MAPS: GIS Windows
on Native Lands,
Current Places,
and History

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    Pre-contact culture areas of North America -- Big imagemap is a GIS window to extensive, well-researched explanations of northern cultures by Canada's INAC; cultural histories south of the line, (and meso American and Arctic) are by various scholars. Downloaded map will also print clearly for classroom handout.

    Pre-contact housing styles for all of North America. Cultural, environmental, construction details. Part of an eventual section that will use maps to view and organize all types of pre-contact subsistence: food, clothing, art, transportation. Current: igloo, tipi, pueblo, hogan, earth-lodge.

    ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS to NATIVE LANDS of the North American continent, Midwest Treaty Network, cartography by Zoltan Grossman. Large map, prints clearly for paper handouts.

    Pre-contact map of Woodland Tribes culture area. Mini-histories of many can be found at Compact Histories compiled by Lee Sulzman. Below, Tribes-by-state text index will find existing recognized and non-recognized tribes still surviving within this cultural area.

    Native Nations -- U.S. and Canada with official or sponsored sites of sovereign nations separated from informal ones by friends, tourist agencies, individual tribal members. This is a standard linktable, not a map.

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Text, maps and graphics copyright -- Paula Giese, 1996. except where elsewhere attributed.

CREDITS:The "putting the Indian Sign on North America" map-graphic was originally designed by Akwesasne Mohawk Jim Berenholz in 1976. It's half of a black and white poster for Awkesasne Notes "Bicentennial". The original also has South America (as does my big AIM poster). In 1993, I spent about 3 weeks tracing this (from an old issue of Notes). I colored it in FreeHand and it was a poster for the AIM 25th anniversary and International Indigenous Peoples' Summit meeting then. I've made some changes in the "signs", to suit the low-rez web, and my desire to animate all parts of RedMap. Additional anis will be done one at a time, to celebrate the completion of major jobs of tribal info-on-line in the tribes-by-statemaps section here. Now pl;aying on the RedMap: "Raven Eats the Impossible Star," a trad legends I made up for the occasion of the ani.

Last Updated: 5/27/97