Young Adults Books

MESSENGERS OF THE GODS: TRIBAL ELDERS REVEAL THE ANCIENT WISDOM OF THE EARTH by James G. Gowan. Harmony Books (Bell Tower), 201 E. 50th St., N.Y., NY 10022, (212) 572-6120, (212) 572-6192 FAX. 209 pp., $13.00 paper. 0-517-88078-4

From the Torres Strait, to the forests of Borneo, to the Kimberly region of Australia, Gowan consults with the traditional people, who tell him their guiding principle of life. In all cases it involves a reverence for the earth and its inhabitants. The islanders who consult with the earth in some way before taking an self-interested action that may harm a part of it; the Iban, who plant sacred rice that will enrich the earth prior to planting rice for human consumption; or the Australian policeman who guards against the killing of Yaada, the kangaroo, who gave law to the people, all are guided by a responsibility for the natural world.

These stories are infused with metaphysical adventure. Recommended. Reviewed by Steve Brock

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Native American BOOKS, text and graphics copyright Paula Giese, 1996

Last Updated: Monday, March 11, 1996 - 11:37:17 AM