Middle School (9 - 14) Books

A WOMAN OF HER TRIBE, Margaret A. Robinson. New York : Scribner's, 1990. (Grades 5-8)

Low-key story of Annette, whose white mother moves the two of them from Annette's deceased father's Nootka village to attend a private school in Vancouver where she's received a scholarship. Annette's transition to the city and the school is handled with sensitivity and understanding. The last third of the novel deals with Annette's return to her village over the Christmas break, where she realistically confronts her confusion over being both Nootka and white, and makes decisions about where she belongs. Reviewd by: Lisa Mitten and Naomi Caldwell-Wood

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Native American BOOKS, text and graphics copyright Paula Giese, 1996

Last Updated: Monday, March 11, 1996 - 11:37:17 AM