Children's Books

GIVING THANKS: A NATIVE AMERICAN GOOD MORNING MESSAGE, written by Chief Jake Swamp, illustrated by Erwin Printup, Jr. Lee and Low Books, 95 Madison Ave., N.Y., NY 10016, (800) 621-1115, (212) 213- 6435 FAX. Illustrated. 24 pp., $14.95 cloth. 1-880000-15-6, Ages 2 - 4

Members of the Iroquois (also known as Haudenosaunee or Six Nations) of upstate New York and Canada start each day with a prayer of respect, appreciation, and thanks: for life, abundant natural resources, food, birds and animals, the Four Winds, the weather, the sun, moon, and stars, the spirit protectors, and the Great Spirit. These words are repeated here with warm, inviting illustrations that suitably express the respect that Indians feel for all life. This is a book to savor and share. Grade: A. Reviewed by Steve Brock

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Native American BOOKS, text and graphics copyright Paula Giese, 1996

Last Updated: Monday, March 11, 1996 - 11:37:17 AM