SANATUJUT: PRIDE IN WOMEN'S WORK: COPPER AND CARIBOU INUIT CLOTHING TRADITIONS; by Judy Hall, Jill Oakes, and Sally Qimmiu'naaq Webster; Published by the Canadian Museum of Civilization, distributed in the U.S. by the University of Washington Press, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096, (800) 441-4115, (206) 543-3932 FAX. Illustrated, bibliography, notes, maps. 136 pp., $29.95 paper; 0-660-14027-6, Canadian natives, especially those of the Northwest Territories, live in a climate in which clothing must not only signify cultural identity, but keep them warm in winter and cool (yet protected from droves of biting insects) during the short, but warm, summer months. Describes the history, function, and design variations of clothing worn by the central Canadian Arctic the Inuit (eastern Northwest Territories), An exiibition catalog (published by the Canadian Museum of Civilization in cooperation with the tribe. Significant contribution to native and fine arts collections. Rating: A -- Steve Brock. File: art2011
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Native American BOOKS, text and graphics copyright Paula Giese, 1996
Last Updated: Monday, October 28, 1996 - 4:07:17 AM