This section contains links-to collections of photos of historical or educational use, as well as art and news photography by native photographers.
White Man's Mocassins
Marmon, Lee Buy this Art Print at |
Early photos of Iowa Native Americans--There are also turn-of-the-century interviews of Mesquakie Indian families in Tama and Oklahoma. These are primarily descendants of the great Mesquakie leader BlackSnake. Excerpts from his long out-of-print autobiography are also included. Prepared by Augustana (Iowa) College's library from their mss and photo holdings. Wish more historical societies would get their old mss and photos on-line! 19th and early 20th century interviews with long-gone people are now vital sources of cultural info for Indian youth. Blacksnake's discussions of the powwows and how they make warriors compared with what he saw in Washington are priceless--funny, too--whatever tribe you are.
American Historical Images on File--Prof. Troy Johnson of Cal State has put together hundreds of engravings, maps, and from the 19th-century on, black and white news photos of Indian people and events. Examples range from a Relocation flyer put out in 1950 by the BIA to a pic of Wilma Mankiller. The image database now also includes good descriptions of the images from which (from the 1950's on) you can almost browse a history of significant events. You can download for your own classroom use. Images are not of sufficient quality for professional publications
De Bry Woodcuts--Prof Johnson has gathered hundreds of woodcvuts by 16th-century artist Theodore DeBry of Indian encoungers at that period -- historically very useful and good to illustrate classroom handouts (images are not of professional-print quality). They are as yet not well-described, a rather large job
Alcatraz Island--Prof. Johnson is begining assemblage of photos from Alcatraz Indian occupation, 1969-71; this is almost forgotten but it was critically important in the youth-led olitical challenges which revived sovereignty. The book by Peter Blue cloud is long out of print.
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CREDITS: 2fish painting by Martin Panamick, Manitoulin Island Odawa. Photo of Mayan woman taken at 1991 Indigenous Women's World Conference, probably by Jeffrey J. Foxx. Wasn't used in the first issue of Indigenous Women's Network magazine, whose first issue was devoted to the conference.
Explanatory text and graphics copyright 1995.
Last Updated: Tuesday, December 19, 1995 - 4:56:37 AM